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A Love Poem

From a husband to his wife

We are a pair, the two of us, you and I.

Not opposite, but compliments, like sea and sky.

Like a left shoe and a right.

Like a goose and a gander in flight.

You are poem, I am prose.

I am fingers, you are toes.

I am in the clouds, you are down to earth.

You enjoy my humor, I like your myrth.

The things you bake are always good.

The pieces I make are generally wood.

I get the news from TV, you from a phone.

You like babies, I like them full grown.

You counter my cold logic with warm reason.

I can't match your kindness in any season.

You meet my gifts with sweet smiles.

I greet your kindness in stoic styles.

But the match works best with just one line,

I will ever be yours, you will always be mine.

To Linda from Jim with love.