
List of United States Presidents

with images and information


quick list   

By President's Weight

 #1   27th President 

U. S. President William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft (Bill): Born Sep. 15, 1857 in Ohio with 2 brothers, 3 sisters. College: Yale University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Unitarian. Married June 20, 1886 at age 28y 9m 4d to Helen; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6', Weight:  316 lbs , BMI: 42.3, Overall rank: 25th. Home: Cincinnati, Ohio. Died Mar. 3, 1930 at age 72y 5m 18d; cause: heart attack.

 #2   22nd President 

U. S. President Stephen Grover Cleveland
Stephen Grover Cleveland (Grover): Born Mar. 18, 1837 in New Jersey with 3 brothers, 5 sisters. College: none, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Presbyterian. Married June 3, 1886 at age 49y 2m 15d to Frances; 2 sons, 3 daughters. Height: 5' 11", Weight:  260 lbs , BMI: 34.6, Overall rank: 26th. Home: Westland Mansion, New Jersey. Died June 24, 1908 at age 71y 3m 6d; cause: stroke.

 #3   45th President 

U. S. President Donald John Trump
Donald John Trump (Don): Born May 14, 1946 in New York with 2 brothers, 2 sisters. College: Univ. of Pennsylvania, occupation: Businessman, religion: Presbyterian. Married Jan. 23, 2005 at age 58y 8m 8d to Melanie (after Marla); 3 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  243 lbs , BMI: 30.4, Overall rank: 43rd. Home: Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Still living.

 #4   21st President 

U. S. President Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Alan Arthur (Chester): Born Oct. 5, 1829 in Vermont with 2 brothers, 6 sisters. College: Union College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Oct. 26, 1859 at age 30y  20d to Ellen; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  224 lbs , BMI: 28.7, Overall rank: 33rd. Home: New York City, New York. Died Nov. 18, 1886 at age 57y 1m 13d; cause: stroke.

 #5   42nd President 

U. S. President William Jefferson Clinton
William Jefferson Clinton (Bill, Bubb): Born Aug. 19, 1946 in Arkansas with 1 brother, no sisters. College: Georgetown University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Baptist. Married Oct. 12, 1975 at age 29y 1m 23d to Hillary; no sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6' 3", Weight:  223 lbs , BMI: 28.3, Overall rank: 14th. Home: Chappaqua, New York. Still living.

 #6   26th President 

U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy): Born Oct. 27, 1858 in New York with 1 brother, 2 sisters. College: Harvard University, occupation: Writer, religion: Dutch Reformed. Married Dec. 3, 1886 at age 28y 1m 6d to Edith (after Alice); 4 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  210 lbs , BMI: 30.2, Overall rank: 4th. Home: Oyster Bay, New York. Died Jan. 6, 1919 at age 60y 2m 9d; cause: coronary embolism.

 #7   36th President 

U. S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ): Born Aug. 27, 1908 in Texas with 1 brother, 3 sisters. College: Texas State Univ., occupation: Teacher, religion: Disciples of Christ. Married Nov. 18, 1934 at age 26y 2m 21d to Lady Bird; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 3", Weight:  200 lbs , BMI: 26.0, Overall rank: 8th. Home: LBJ Ranch, Texas. Died Jan. 22, 1973 at age 64y 4m 25d; cause: heart failure.

 #8   25th President 

U. S. President William McKinley
William McKinley (Bill): Born Jan. 29, 1843 in Ohio with 3 brothers, 5 sisters. College: Allegheny College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Methodist. Married Jan. 26, 1871 at age 27y 11m 27d to Ida; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 7", Weight:  199 lbs , BMI: 31.1, Overall rank: 22nd. Home: Canton, Ohio. Died Sep. 14, 1901 at age 58y 7m 15d; cause: assassinated.



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By President's Weight

 #9   15th President 

U. S. President James Buchanan
James Buchanan (Jim): Born Apr. 23, 1791 in Pennsylvania with 4 brothers, 6 sisters. College: Dickinson College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Presbyterian.  Not married   to ; no children. Height: 6', Weight:  198 lbs , BMI: 26.9, Overall rank: 44th. Home: Wheatland, Pennsylvania. Died June 1, 1868 at age 77y 1m 8d; cause: respiratory failure.

 #10   41st President 

U. S. President George Herbert Walker Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush (Poppy): Born June 12, 1924 in Massachusetts with 3 brothers, 1 sister. College: Yale University, occupation: Businessman, religion: Episcopalian. Married Jan. 7, 1945 at age 20y 6m 25d to Barbara; 4 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  196 lbs , BMI: 24.8, Overall rank: 20th. Home: Bush Compound, Maine. Died Dec. 1, 2018 at age 94y 5m 19d; cause: Parkinson's disease.

 #11   43rd President 

U. S. President George Walker Bush
George Walker Bush (Dubya): Born July 6, 1946 in Connecticut with 3 brothers, 2 sisters. College: Yale University, occupation: Businessman, religion: Methodist. Married Nov. 6, 1977 at age 31y 3m 30d to Laura; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6', Weight:  191 lbs , BMI: 25.9, Overall rank: 35th. Home: Prairie Chapel Ranch, Texas. Still living.

 #12   38th President 

U. S. President Gerald Rudolph Ford
Gerald Rudolph Ford (Jerry): Born July 14, 1913 in Nebraska with 4 brothers, 2 sisters. College: University of Michigan, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Oct. 16, 1948 at age 35y 3m 1d to Betty; 3 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6', Weight:  190 lbs , BMI: 25.7, Overall rank: 30th. Home: Rancho Mirage, California. Died Dec. 25, 2006 at age 93y 5m 10d; cause: cerebrovascular disease.

 #13   5th President 

U. S. President James Monroe
James Monroe (James): Born Apr. 28, 1758 in Virginia with 3 brothers, 1 sister. College: Coll. of William & Mary, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Feb. 17, 1786 at age 27y 9m 19d to Elizabeth; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6', Weight:  189 lbs , BMI: 25.6, Overall rank: 12th. Home: Ash Lawn-Highland, Virginia. Died July 4, 1831 at age 73y 2m 6d; cause: tuberculosis.

 #14   32nd President 

U. S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR): Born Jan. 30, 1882 in New York with no brothers, no sisters. College: Harvard University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Mar. 18, 1905 at age 23y 1m 18d to Eleanor; 4 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  188 lbs , BMI: 23.6, Overall rank: 1st. Home: Springwood, New York. Died Apr. 12, 1945 at age 63y 2m 12d; cause: stroke.

 #15   31st President 

U. S. President Herbert Clark Hoover
Herbert Clark Hoover (Herbert): Born Aug. 10, 1874 in Iowa with 1 brother, 1 sister. College: Stanford Univesity, occupation: Engineer, religion: Quaker. Married Feb. 11, 1899 at age 24y 6m to Lou; 2 sons, no daughters. Height: 5' 11", Weight:  187 lbs , BMI: 27.7, Overall rank: 37th. Home: Palo Alto, California. Died Oct. 20, 1964 at age 90y 2m 10d; cause: internal hemorrhaging.

 #16   40th President 

U. S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Ronald Wilson Reagan (Ronny, Dutch): Born Feb. 6, 1911 in Illinois with 1 brother, no sisters. College: Eureka College, occupation: Actor, religion: Disciples of Christ. Married Mar. 5, 1952 at age 41y  29d to Nancy (after Jane); 2 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 1", Weight:  185 lbs , BMI: 24.2, Overall rank: 16th. Home: Bel Air, California. Died June 5, 2004 at age 93y 3m 29d; cause: Alzheimer's disease.



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By President's Weight

 #17   20th President 

U. S. President James Abram Garfield
James Abram Garfield (Jim): Born Nov. 19, 1831 in Ohio with 2 brothers, 2 sisters. College: Williams College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Disciples of Christ. Married Nov. 12, 1858 at age 26y 11m 23d to Lucretia; 5 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6', Weight:  184 lbs , BMI: 24.9, Overall rank: 27th. Home: Lawnfield, Ohio. Died Sep. 19, 1881 at age 49y 10m; cause: assassinated.

 #18   16th President 

U. S. President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (Abe): Born Feb. 12, 1809 in Kentucky with 1 brother, 1 sister. College: none, occupation: Lawyer, religion: None. Married Nov. 5, 1842 at age 33y 8m 23d to Mary; 4 sons, no daughters. Height: 6' 4", Weight:  180 lbs , BMI: 21.7, Overall rank: 2nd. Home: Springfield, Illinois. Died Apr. 15, 1865 at age 56y 2m 2d; cause: assassinated.

 #19   44th President 

U. S. President Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama (Barry): Born Aug. 4, 1961 in Hawaii with 6 brothers, 2 sisters. College: Columbia University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Christian. Married Oct. 19, 1992 at age 31y 2m 15d to Michelle; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6' 1", Weight:  180 lbs , BMI: 23.8, Overall rank: 11th. Home: Kenwood, Illinois. Still living.

 #20   1st President 

U. S. President George Washington
George Washington (George): Born Feb. 22, 1732 in Virginia with 5 brothers, 4 sisters. College: Coll. of William & Mary, occupation: Soldier, religion: Episcopalian. Married Jan. 7, 1759 at age 26y 10m 15d to Martha; 1 son, 1 daughter. Height: 6' 2", Weight:  175 lbs , BMI: 25.5, Overall rank: 3rd. Home: Mount Vernon, Virginia. Died Dec. 14, 1799 at age 67y 9m 22d; cause: pneumonia.

 #21   37th President 

U. S. President Richard Milhous Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon (Dick): Born Jan. 9, 1913 in California with 4 brothers, no sisters. College: Whittier College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Quaker. Married June 22, 1940 at age 27y 5m 12d to Pat; no sons, 2 daughters. Height: 6', Weight:  175 lbs , BMI: 23.9, Overall rank: 28th. Home: La Casa Pacifica, California. Died Apr. 22, 1994 at age 81y 3m 12d; cause: stroke.

 #22   3rd President 

U. S. President Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson (Tom): Born Apr. 13, 1743 in Virginia with 2 brothers, 6 sisters. College: Coll. of William & Mary, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Unitarian. Married Jan. 2, 1772 at age 28y 8m 19d to Martha; 1 son, 5 daughters. Height: 6' 3", Weight:  174 lbs , BMI: 22.0, Overall rank: 5th. Home: Monticello, Virginia. Died July 4, 1826 at age 83y 2m 21d; cause: dysentery.

 #23   6th President 

U. S. President John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams (John): Born July 11, 1767 in Massachusetts with 2 brothers, 1 sister. College: Harvard University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Unitarian. Married July 27, 1797 at age 30y  15d to Louisa; 3 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 7", Weight:  174 lbs , BMI: 27.2, Overall rank: 17th. Home: Quincy, Massachusetts. Died Feb. 23, 1848 at age 81y 7m 11d; cause: stroke.

 #24   11th President 

U. S. President James Knox Polk
James Knox Polk (James): Born Nov. 2, 1795 in North Carolina with 5 brothers, 4 sisters. College: Univ. of North Carolina, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Presbyterian. Married Jan. 2, 1824 at age 28y 2m to Sarah; no children. Height: 5' 8", Weight:  174 lbs , BMI: 26.4, Overall rank: 15th. Home: Polk Place, Tennessee. Died June 15, 1849 at age 53y 7m 13d; cause: cholera.



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By President's Weight

 #25   17th President 

U. S. President Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson (Andy): Born Dec. 29, 1808 in North Carolina with 1 brother, no sisters. College: none, occupation: Tailor, religion: None. Married May 18, 1827 at age 18y 4m 19d to Eliza; 3 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 10", Weight:  174 lbs , BMI: 24.9, Overall rank: 45th. Home: Greeneville, Tennessee. Died July 31, 1875 at age 66y 7m 2d; cause: stroke.

 #26   29th President 

U. S. President Warren Gamal Harding
Warren Gamal Harding (Warren): Born Nov. 2, 1865 in Ohio with 2 brothers, 5 sisters. College: Ohio Central College, occupation: Businessman, religion: Baptist. Married July 9, 1891 at age 25y 8m 6d to Florence; no children. Height: 6', Weight:  173 lbs , BMI: 23.5, Overall rank: 42nd. Home: Harding Home, Ohio. Died Aug. 2, 1923 at age 57y 9m; cause: stroke.

 #27   35th President 

U. S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Jack): Born May 29, 1917 in Massachusetts with 3 brothers, 5 sisters. College: Harvard University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Catholic. Married Sep. 13, 1953 at age 36y 3m 14d to Jacqueline; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 6', Weight:  173 lbs , BMI: 22.6, Overall rank: 9th. Home: Kennedy Compound, Massachusetts. Died Nov. 22, 1963 at age 46y 5m 23d; cause: assassinated.

 #28   34th President 

U. S. President Dwight David Eisenhower
Dwight David Eisenhower (Ike): Born Oct. 14, 1890 in Texas with 6 brothers, no sisters. College: U.S. Military Academy, occupation: Soldier, religion: Presbyterian. Married July 2, 1916 at age 25y 8m 18d to Mamie; 2 sons, no daughters. Height: 5' 11", Weight:  171 lbs , BMI: 25.3, Overall rank: 6th. Home: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Died Mar. 28, 1969 at age 78y 5m 13d; cause: heart disease.

 #29   12th President 

U. S. President Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor (Zach): Born Nov. 24, 1784 in Virginia with 5 brothers, 3 sisters. College: none, occupation: Soldier, religion: Episcopalian. Married June 22, 1810 at age 25y 6m 28d to Margaret; 1 son, 5 daughters. Height: 5' 8", Weight:  170 lbs , BMI: 30.2, Overall rank: 36th. Home: Springfield, Kentucky. Died July 9, 1850 at age 65y 7m 15d; cause: heat stroke.

 #30   19th President 

U. S. President Rutherford B Hayes
Rutherford B Hayes (Rutherford): Born Oct. 4, 1822 in Ohio with 1 brother, 2 sisters. College: Kenyon College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: None. Married Dec. 31, 1852 at age 30y 2m 27d to Lucy; 7 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 9", Weight:  170 lbs , BMI: 26.0, Overall rank: 31st. Home: Spiegel Grove, Ohio. Died Jan. 17, 1893 at age 70y 3m 12d; cause: heart disease.

 #31   28th President 

U. S. President Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Woodrow): Born Dec. 28, 1856 in Virginia with 1 brother, 2 sisters. College: Princeton University, occupation: Academic, religion: Presbyterian. Married June 25, 1885 at age 28y 5m 27d to Ellen (then Edith); 1 son, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 11", Weight:  170 lbs , BMI: 23.5, Overall rank: 13th. Home: Wilson House, Washington D.C.. Died Feb. 3, 1924 at age 67y 1m 5d; cause: stroke.

 #32   33rd President 

U. S. President Harry S Truman
Harry S Truman (Harry): Born May 8, 1884 in Missouri with 1 brother, 1 sister. College: Univ. of Missouri, KC, occupation: Businessman, religion: Baptist. Married June 29, 1919 at age 35y 1m 21d to Bess; no sons, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 9", Weight:  167 lbs , BMI: 26.3, Overall rank: 7th. Home: Wallace House, Missouri. Died Dec. 26, 1972 at age 88y 7m 17d; cause: cardiovascular collapse.



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By President's Weight

 #33   8th President 

U. S. President Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren (Matty): Born Dec. 5, 1782 in New York with 4 brothers, 3 sisters. College: none, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Dutch Reformed. Married Feb. 22, 1807 at age 24y 2m 16d to Angelica; 4 sons, no daughters. Height: 5' 6", Weight:  164 lbs , BMI: 26.5, Overall rank: 29th. Home: Lindenwald, New York. Died July 24, 1862 at age 79y 7m 18d; cause: asthmatic suffocation.

 #34   13th President 

U. S. President Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore (Millard): Born Jan. 7, 1800 in New York with 5 brothers, 3 sisters. College: none, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Unitarian. Married Feb. 6, 1826 at age 26y  29d to Abigail (then Caroline); 1 son, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 9", Weight:  164 lbs , BMI: 24.2, Overall rank: 38th. Home: Buffalo, New York. Died Mar. 8, 1874 at age 74y 2m 1d; cause: stroke.

 #35   10th President 

U. S. President John Tyler
John Tyler (John): Born Mar. 29, 1790 in Virginia with 2 brothers, 5 sisters. College: Coll. of William & Mary, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Mar. 30, 1813 at age 23y  to Letitia (then Julia); 3 sons, 4 daughters. Height: 6', Weight:  160 lbs , BMI: 20.0, Overall rank: 39th. Home: Sherwood Forest, Virginia. Died Jan. 18, 1862 at age 71y 9m 19d; cause: respiratory failure.

 #36   23rd President 

U. S. President Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison (Ben): Born Aug. 20, 1833 in Ohio with 6 brothers, 3 sisters. College: Miami University (Ohio), occupation: Lawyer, religion: Presbyterian. Married Oct. 21, 1853 at age 20y 2m 1d to Caroline (then Mary); 1 son, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 6", Weight:  160 lbs , BMI: 25.8, Overall rank: 34th. Home: Indianapolis, Indiana. Died Mar. 13, 1901 at age 67y 6m 23d; cause: pneumonia.

 #37   39th President 

U. S. President James Earl Carter
James Earl Carter (Jimmy): Born Oct. 1, 1924 in Georgia with 1 brother, 2 sisters. College: U.S. Naval Academy, occupation: Farmer, religion: Baptist. Married July 8, 1946 at age 21y 9m 7d to Rosalynn; 3 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 10", Weight:  160 lbs , BMI: 22.4, Overall rank: 24th. Home: Plains, Georgia. Still living.

 #38   18th President 

U. S. President Ulysses Simpson Grant
Ulysses Simpson Grant (Sam): Born Apr. 27, 1822 in Ohio with 2 brothers, 3 sisters. College: U.S. Military Academy, occupation: Soldier, religion: Methodist. Married Aug. 23, 1848 at age 26y 3m 26d to Julia; 3 sons, 1 daughter. Height: 5' 9", Weight:  156 lbs , BMI: 23.3, Overall rank: 21st. Home: Mount McGregor, New York. Died July 23, 1885 at age 63y 2m 26d; cause: cancer.

 #39   2nd President 

U. S. President John Adams
John Adams (John): Born Oct. 30, 1735 in Massachusetts with 2 brothers, no sisters. College: Harvard University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Unitarian. Married Oct. 26, 1764 at age 28y 11m 26d to Abigail; 3 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 7", Weight:  150 lbs , BMI: 23.5, Overall rank: 16th. Home: Peacefield, Massachusetts. Died July 4, 1826 at age 90y 8m 4d; cause: heart failure .

 #40   30th President 

U. S. President John Calvin Coolidge
John Calvin Coolidge (Cal): Born July 4, 1872 in Vermont with no brothers, 1 sister. College: Amherst College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Congregationalist. Married Oct. 5, 1905 at age 33y 3m 1d to Grace; 2 sons, no daughters. Height: 5' 10", Weight:  148 lbs , BMI: 21.2, Overall rank: 32nd. Home: The Coolidge Homeste, Vermont. Died Jan. 5, 1933 at age 60y 6m 1d; cause: heart failure.



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By President's Weight

 #41   14th President 

U. S. President Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce (Frank): Born Nov. 23, 1804 in New Hampshire with 4 brothers, 3 sisters. College: Bowdoin College, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Episcopalian. Married Nov. 20, 1834 at age 29y 11m 27d to Jane; 3 sons, no daughters. Height: 5' 10", Weight:  144 lbs , BMI: 20.6, Overall rank: 41st. Home: Concord, New Hampshire. Died Oct. 8, 1869 at age 64y 10m 15d; cause: stomach inflammation.

 #42   7th President 

U. S. President Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson (Andy): Born Mar. 15, 1767 in South Carolina with 2 brothers, no sisters. College: none, occupation: Soldier, religion: Presbyterian. Married Jan. 15, 1794 at age 26y 9m 30d to Rachel; 1 son, no daughters. Height: 6' 1", Weight:  140 lbs , BMI: 19.0, Overall rank: 23rd. Home: The Hermitage, Tennessee. Died June 8, 1845 at age 78y 2m 23d; cause: tuberculosis.

 #43   9th President 

U. S. President William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison (William): Born Feb. 9, 1773 in Virginia with 2 brothers, 4 sisters. College: Hampden‑Sydney, occupation: Soldier, religion: Episcopalian. Married Nov. 26, 1795 at age 22y 9m 16d to Anna; 6 sons, 4 daughters. Height: 5' 8", Weight:  139 lbs , BMI: 21.2, Overall rank: 40th. Home: Grouseland, Indiana. Died Apr. 4, 1841 at age 68y 1m 25d; cause: pneumonia.

 #44   46th President 

U. S. President Joseph Robinette Biden
Joseph Robinette Biden (Joe): Born Nov. 20, 1942 in Pensylvania with 2 brothers, 1 sister. College: University of Delaware, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Catholic. Married Jan. 6, 1973 at age 30y 1m 15d to Jill (after Neilia); 2 sons, 2 daughters. Height: 5' 6", Weight:  128 lbs , BMI: 20.7, Overall rank: 19th. Home: Greenville, Delaware. Still living.

 #45   4th President 

U. S. President James Madison
James Madison (Jim): Born Mar. 16, 1751 in Virginia with 4 brothers, 4 sisters. College: Princeton University, occupation: Lawyer, religion: Deist. Married Sep. 16, 1794 at age 43y 6m to Dolley; no children. Height: 5' 4", Weight:  100 lbs , BMI: 17.0, Overall rank: 10th. Home: Montpelier, Vermont. Died June 28, 1836 at age 85y 3m 12d; cause: natural causes.

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   #  Weight   President
   1. (143.3k) W. Taft #27  
   2. (117.9k) S. Cleveland #22  
   3. (110.2k) D. Trump #45  
   4. (101.6k) C. Arthur #21  
   5. (101.2k) W. Clinton #42  
   6. (95.3k) T. Roosevelt #26  
   7. (90.7k) L. Johnson #36  
   8. (90.3k) W. McKinley #25  
   9. (89.8k) J. Buchanan #15  
 10. (88.9k) G. Bush #41  
 11. (86.6k) G. Bush #43  
 12. (86.2k) G. Ford #38  
 13. (85.7k) J. Monroe #5  
 14. (85.3k) F. Roosevelt #32  
 15. (84.8k) H. Hoover #31  
 16. (83.9k) R. Reagan #40  
 17. (83.5k) J. Garfield #20  
 18. (81.6k) A. Lincoln #16  
 19. (81.6k) B. Obama #44  
 20. (79.4k) G. Washington #1  
 21. (79.4k) R. Nixon #37  
 22. (78.9k) T. Jefferson #3  
 23. (78.9k) J. Adams #6  
 24. (78.9k) J. Polk #11  
 25. (78.9k) A. Johnson #17  
 26. (78.5k) W. Harding #29  
 27. (78.5k) J. Kennedy #35  
 28. (77.6k) D. Eisenhower #34  
 29. (77.1k) Z. Taylor #12  
 30. (77.1k) R. Hayes #19  
 31. (77.1k) T. Wilson #28  
 32. (75.8k) H. Truman #33  
 33. (74.4k) M. Van Buren #8  
 34. (74.4k) M. Fillmore #13  
 35. (72.6k) J. Tyler #10  
 36. (72.6k) B. Harrison #23  
 37. (72.6k) J. Carter #39  
 38. (70.8k) U. Grant #18  
 39. (68k) J. Adams #2  
 40. (67.1k) J. Coolidge #30  
 41. (65.3k) F. Pierce #14  
 42. (63.5k) A. Jackson #7  
 43. (63.1k) W. Harrison #9  
 44. (58.1k) J. Biden #46  
 45. (45.4k) J. Madison #4  

U. S. president and spouse

 William Howard Taft &

Helen Louise Herron “Nellie” Taft 

U. S. president and spouse Helen Louise Herron “Nellie” Taft

U. S. president and spouse

 Stephen Grover Cleveland &

Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland 

U. S. president and spouse Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland

U. S. president and spouse

 Donald John Trump &

Melania Knauss Trump 

U. S. president and spouse Melania Knauss Trump

U. S. president and spouse

 Chester Alan Arthur &

Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur 

U. S. president and spouse Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur

U. S. president and spouse

 William Jefferson Clinton &

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton 

U. S. president and spouse Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton

U. S. president and spouse

 Theodore Roosevelt &

Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt 

U. S. president and spouse Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt

U. S. president and spouse

 Lyndon Baines Johnson &

Claudia Alta Lady Bird Johnson Taylor 

U. S. president and spouse Claudia Alta Lady Bird Johnson Taylor

U. S. president and spouse

 William McKinley &

Ida Saxton McKinley 

U. S. president and spouse Ida Saxton McKinley

U. S. president and spouse

 James Buchanan


U. S. president and spouse

U. S. president and spouse

 George Herbert Walker Bush &

Barbara Pierce Bush 

U. S. president and spouse Barbara Pierce Bush

U. S. president and spouse

 George Walker Bush &

Laura Lane Welch Bush 

U. S. president and spouse Laura Lane Welch Bush

U. S. president and spouse

 Gerald Rudolph Ford &

Elizabeth Anne “Betty” Bloomer Ford 

U. S. president and spouse Elizabeth Anne “Betty” Bloomer Ford

U. S. president and spouse

 James Monroe &

Elizabeth Kortright Monroe 

U. S. president and spouse Elizabeth Kortright Monroe

U. S. president and spouse

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt &

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt 

U. S. president and spouse Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

U. S. president and spouse

 Herbert Clark Hoover &

Louise Henry Hoover 

U. S. president and spouse Louise Henry Hoover

U. S. president and spouse

 Ronald Wilson Reagan &

Nancy Davis Reagan, nee Anne France 

U. S. president and spouse Nancy Davis Reagan, nee Anne France

U. S. president and spouse

 James Abram Garfield &

Lucretia Rudolph Garfield 

U. S. president and spouse Lucretia Rudolph Garfield

U. S. president and spouse

 Abraham Lincoln &

Mary Ann Todd Lincoln 

U. S. president and spouse Mary Ann Todd Lincoln

U. S. president and spouse

 Barack Hussein Obama &

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama 

U. S. president and spouse Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama

U. S. president and spouse

 George Washington &

Martha Dandridge Custis Washington 

U. S. president and spouse Martha Dandridge Custis Washington

U. S. president and spouse

 Richard Milhous Nixon &

Thelma Catherine “Pat” Nixon 

U. S. president and spouse Thelma Catherine “Pat” Nixon

U. S. president and spouse

 Thomas Jefferson &

Martha Skelton Jefferson Wayles 

U. S. president and spouse Martha Skelton Jefferson Wayles

U. S. president and spouse

 John Quincy Adams &

Louisa Catherine Johnson 

U. S. president and spouse Louisa Catherine Johnson

U. S. president and spouse

 James Knox Polk &

Sarah Childress Polk 

U. S. president and spouse Sarah Childress Polk

U. S. president and spouse

 Andrew Johnson &

Eliza McCardle Johnson 

U. S. president and spouse Eliza McCardle Johnson

U. S. president and spouse

 Warren Gamal Harding &

Florence Mabel Kling “Flossie” Harding 

U. S. president and spouse Florence Mabel Kling “Flossie” Harding

U. S. president and spouse

 John Fitzgerald Kennedy &

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy 

U. S. president and spouse Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

U. S. president and spouse

 Dwight David Eisenhower &

Mamie Geneva Doud 

U. S. president and spouse Mamie Geneva Doud

U. S. president and spouse

 Zachary Taylor &

Margaret Mackall Smith “Peggy” Taylor 

U. S. president and spouse Margaret Mackall Smith “Peggy” Taylor

U. S. president and spouse

 Rutherford B Hayes &

Lucy Ware Webb Hayes 

U. S. president and spouse Lucy Ware Webb Hayes

U. S. president and spouse

 Thomas Woodrow Wilson &

Ellen Louise Axson Wilson 

U. S. president and spouse Ellen Louise Axson Wilson

U. S. president and spouse

 Harry S Truman &

Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman 

U. S. president and spouse Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman

U. S. president and spouse

 Martin Van Buren &

Angelica Singleton Van Buren 

U. S. president and spouse Angelica Singleton Van Buren

U. S. president and spouse

 Millard Fillmore &

Abigail Powers Fillmore 

U. S. president and spouse Abigail Powers Fillmore

U. S. president and spouse

 John Tyler &

Letitia Christian Tyler 

U. S. president and spouse Letitia Christian Tyler

U. S. president and spouse

 Benjamin Harrison &

Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison 

U. S. president and spouse Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison

U. S. president and spouse

 James Earl Carter &

Eleanor Rosalynn Smith Carter 

U. S. president and spouse Eleanor Rosalynn Smith Carter

U. S. president and spouse

 Ulysses Simpson Grant &

Julia Boggs Dent Grant 

U. S. president and spouse Julia Boggs Dent Grant

U. S. president and spouse

 John Adams &

Abigail Smith Adams  

U. S. president and spouse Abigail Smith Adams 

U. S. president and spouse

 John Calvin Coolidge &

Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge 

U. S. president and spouse Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge

U. S. president and spouse

 Franklin Pierce &

Jane Means Appleton Pierce 

U. S. president and spouse Jane Means Appleton Pierce

U. S. president and spouse

 Andrew Jackson &

Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson 

U. S. president and spouse Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson

U. S. president and spouse

 William Henry Harrison &

Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison 

U. S. president and spouse Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison

U. S. president and spouse

 Joseph Robinette Biden &

Jill Tracy Biden 

U. S. president and spouse Jill Tracy Biden

U. S. president and spouse

 James Madison &

Dolley Payne Todd Madison 

U. S. president and spouse Dolley Payne Todd Madison



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    Click on election year for more information about opponents and voting results. Where there was more than one opponent, only major opponent is shown. Siblings include half-brothers and half-sisters.


    College is the undergraduate institution the president attended. President's occupation is the predominant activity engaged in before assuming any political office. Weights of presidents are estimates. BMI is Body Mass Index. President's home is the predominant residence, typically after leaving office.


    President's Overall Rankings (which includes IQ ranking) are from Wikipedia's "Historical rankings of presidents of the United States" in section "Notable scholar survey" under table Siena College Research Institute, Presidential Expert Poll of 2022.


    Since Grover Cleveland served two separate terms, 22nd and 24th, the number of persons is one less than presidents serving.



